Thursday, June 9, 2016

Cool Father's Day gift ideas

OK, you got smothered with hugs and kisses on Mother's Day for remembering her special day. On June 19, also known as Father's Day here in the states, it's your dad's turn.

Remember him? He's the guy who taught you right from wrong. He's the guy who didn't get too grumpy as you learned how to drive. He's also the guy who showed you that it's not a bad thing to drink milk straight from the jug, provided your mother didn't catch you.

Well, thankfully, you have 10 days to come up with an idea to honor your father with something special. No, we're not thinking about a tie or a pair of slippers. A lottery ticket is too easy and cheap. won't even shamelessly suggest a membership (though a free one is very affordable).

Just like our advice for Mother's Day, the best presents come from the heart. Now that you have some time, here are five sure-fire ideas that will make you dad's favorite:
  1. Create a photo album showing the both of you through the years. (Bet a tear rolls down a cheek.)
  2. Book a fishing charter.
  3. Offer to mow the lawn every week over the summer.
  4. Take him to a minor league baseball game.
  5. Arrange and pay for a dinner with his childhood friends.
Again, this is good advice. Your father will appreciate it.

Now, that we've got that out of the way, here's the shameless plug we (somewhat) avoided earlier., one of the leading mail- and package-forwarding companies in the industry, can help you get a bigger head start on next year. Sign up today for one of our three membership levels -- free, personal or business. Once you've arranged for a membership, use our Personal Shopper service to find the perfect gift. Once your item arrives, will send it to any address in the United States or an overseas.

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