Tuesday, November 8, 2016

So, who's going to win?

It's a big day today here in the United States. After a long, hostile campaign, either Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump will be elected at the next president of the United States.

Given the political vitriol from both sides, we've heard that a number of people, depending upon who wins, will be leaving the United States because either Clinton or Trump won the election. We'd hope these folks would reconsider, but they're entitled to their opinion.

Now, should people actually decide to leave, they'll likely have to do it without our help. As much as HelpShip.com has the skills to forward packages, forwarding people to new destinations is not a part of our services. So, please, don't ask.

If you have mail or other items, though, we'll be more than happy to help forward them to international or domestic destinations.

Want to see how fast HelpShip.com will work or you? Sign up today for one of our three membership levels -- free, personal or business. You'll soon see how quick when HelpShip.com forwards your mail or packages so you can experience our professional services in an affordable manner.

Have questions? We'll answer every one. Contact us online today or call 1-865-377-8055.

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Photo: zazzle.com

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